Lawrence County Career and Technical Center
Located in New Castle, Pennsylvania, this shop's emphasis is on machine tool technology using various metals to turn raw materials into intricate working parts. Students are taught to meet precise specification using machines for milling, grinding, CNC, and welding. LCCTC has a strong and successful co-op program for its students.
Mercer County Career Center
Hundreds of students have used the Career Center as a stepping-stone to success. The Mercer County Career Center is located in Mercer, Pennsylvania, and provides technical skills training for twelve schools in Mercer County.
Warren County School District Career Center
Warren County Career Center in Warren, Pennsylvania, offers "Tech Prep" courses to ensure that high school students are well prepared for entering private industry and college level technical study. All WCCC programs are articulated with the college programs offered by the Pennsylvania College of Technology, Williamsport, PA.
New Castle School of Trades
New Castle School of Trades, located in New Castle, Pennsylvania, has been providing hands-on training in machining, electrical, automotive and many other technical fields for more than 60 years. NCST provides its students with the necessary training to begin a new job with job placement assistance that makes finding a new job easier.
Mahoning County Career and Technical Center
For more than five decades, MCCTC has been dedicated to empowering high school and adult students with the knowledge and skills needed to excel in their careers. Situated in Canfield, Ohio, they provide a wide range of programs, including Advanced Manufacturing, which thoroughly equips students for success in the manufacturing industry.
Trumbull Career & Technical Center
At the Trumbull Career & Technical Center, their mission is to empower students to become valuable members of society. We achieve this by providing a comprehensive combination of academic and career-technical skills and experience in a safe and inclusive environment.